Loadstar 216
t.lordr my c
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by Lord Ronin of QLink
(aka David O Mohr)
Second Generation user here, no
not the child of a user. Just one that
got into the C= after the company died
and went to Escom. We call ourselves
the 2nd generation of users.
Being disabled from the Nam war I
was paranoid of computers -- til me
mum bought a used system for me and
presented same as a Chanukha present
in 92.
The rest is history <black some
may add>. I am now a fanatic for the
system. Which is strange as I really
don't understand the terms, verbage,
or techy talk on the matters. Yet I
remain religiously devouted to the C=
As I have written in the Commodore
MaiLink and my own newsletter: Hours
are spent on the C= daily. Not as much
with Wave on the Inet as most people
would request. Wheels works and I run
a 24/7 BBS on the 128D. Print with
Post Print. Make maps and adventure
for our dice Role Playing Games
<R.P.G.>. Try to catch up on my
writing requirements. Maybe even test
a few of the disks that I have
Why stay with the system? No
reason to change and I can't afford to
change. Everything I want to do is on
this system. My computer room is full
of equipment, books, and disks. This
doesn't count the storage shed where I
have more items and am adding more for
the users groups and the Meeting
Through The Mail group as a resource.
My major reason for staying and
using this system, though, is that it
is my first computer -- in all its
simplicity. When I upgraded to the
Hard Drive, The SCPU the FD-2000,
Wave, Wheels, Swiftlink etc., nothing
that I had previously was useless.
That can NOT be said for certain other
computer platforms. My montly VA
cheque couldn't afford the other
system with the constant replacement
of items that I hear from others. Let
alone pay my rent and bills plus
upgrade the other system. Replacing
hardware and software.
Besides I personally believe that
the vector that the C= started and
others have continued along over the
years happens to be more fun, more
personal and more hands on than the
other systems vector for the mindless
"drones". So to paraphrase Stan Lee of
Marvel Comics Fames "Make Mine